2023 Sandpoint High School Drama Fundraiser

$ 5,000Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
$ 5,000Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
Campaign Ended

2023 Sandpoint High School Drama Fundraiser

$2,760 of $5,000 GROUP GOAL

Thank you to our supporters!

  • $250.00
    Theodore T Tanase
    506 days ago

    “Break a leg, My !!!!!”

  • $150.00
    John Bowman
    492 days ago
  • $150.00
    Jack Craemer
    498 days ago
  • $100.00
    Janine E Pryor
    498 days ago

    “Hi Ellie, Congratulations in advance of this amazing play”

  • $100.00
    erin vawter
    500 days ago
  • $100.00
    Lara Cataldi
    504 days ago
  • $100.00
    Kent Thomas Vorhies
    504 days ago
  • $100.00
    Lara cataldi
    504 days ago
  • $100.00
    Marie Mentor
    505 days ago

    “Good luck! Aunt Marie”

  • $100.00
    Kevin Murray
    505 days ago
  • $100.00
    Karen Lemley
    506 days ago

    “We are excited to see Mama Mia after hearing about all that goes into the production. Thank you.”

  • $100.00
    Erin Birkhimer
    506 days ago

    “So proud of you!”

  • $75.00
    Chelann M Cachero
    501 days ago

    “So proud of you Mya! cant wait for Mamma Mia!”

  • $75.00
    Nancy S Thompson
    506 days ago
  • $50.00
    Carolyn Savage
    492 days ago
  • $50.00
    Cheryl Weisz
    493 days ago

    “Great performance !”

  • $50.00
    Tim blanke
    498 days ago
  • $50.00
    Stephanie Bernardy
    498 days ago

    “Wish we could see it! Love you!”

  • $50.00
    499 days ago

    “I am so proud of all of you! Macy, Natty, Milo, can’t wait to see y’all up there!”

  • $50.00
    500 days ago
  • $50.00
    Paige Jensen
    500 days ago

    “Love to help! Go get 'em Ellie! :) xoxo, The Jensen's”

  • $50.00
    Arian m Davis
    504 days ago
  • $50.00
    Judith M. Morton
    504 days ago

    “Best of luck!”

  • $50.00
    Leann Light
    505 days ago

    “What a wonderful thing! Have a fantastic time, Natty.... break a leg! not literally ;)”

  • $50.00
    505 days ago
  • $50.00
    Caroline S Plaster
    506 days ago

    “Have fun!!!! Can’t wait to see it!”

  • $50.00
    Julie Furin
    506 days ago
  • $35.00
    Trish Butler
    505 days ago

    “❤️can’t wait to watch you Ellie C!”

  • $30.00
    Judith Butler
    498 days ago

    “Wish we could be there!”

  • $30.00
    Andrew Rubinstein
    506 days ago
  • $25.00
    Jennifer R Shelton
    493 days ago
  • $25.00
    Katie Cox
    498 days ago

    “Good luck Anna!!”

  • $25.00
    501 days ago
  • $25.00
    Susan K Pantier
    505 days ago
  • $25.00
    Mark Moran
    505 days ago

    “Hi Ben. Maybe I will see you on the big screen some day!”

  • $25.00
    Patricia H Waite
    506 days ago
  • $25.00
    Marc J DeLaVergne
    506 days ago

    “Have fun Jakob! Marc and Joyce”

  • $25.00
    Kelly N Julian
    506 days ago

    “Good Luck 🍀 Jakob on reaching your goals 👍❤️”

  • $25.00
    William Mentor
    506 days ago
  • $20.00
    Melody Brown
    504 days ago
  • $20.00
    Michael Birkhimer
    505 days ago
  • $20.00
    Carleen A Sandell
    505 days ago
  • $20.00
    Sarah Booker
    506 days ago
  • $20.00
    Kristina M Kingsland
    506 days ago

    “You are an inspiration Ben, I wish you all the best!”

  • $20.00
    Lisa Turner
    506 days ago

    “Break a Leg!!!”

  • $20.00
    Natalie thompson
    506 days ago
  • $20.00
    Lori Kugle
    506 days ago

    “I LOVE YOU!!! ❤️❤️❤️”

  • $10.00
    Adrian Burleson
    506 days ago

    ““You’re the greatest person ever Piper. Say that”-Piper”

  • $10.00
    Zabrielle E Dillon
    506 days ago
  • $10.00
    506 days ago

please share


About This Fundraiser

Fundraising is vital for the success of our program. The funds will aid us in purchasing new uniforms, equipment and other pertinent expenses. Each participant has a monetary goal, please consider donating or sharing via social media so that they may reach it. Thank you so much for your support.

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