Georgia Force Player Recovery Fundraiser

$ 40,000Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
$ 40,000Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
Campaign Ended

Georgia Force Player Recovery Fundraiser

$0 of $40,000 GROUP GOAL


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    About This Fundraiser

    I'm reaching out to you with a heavy heart and a plea for support in the wake of the Georgia Force's unfortunate demise. As you may have heard, the team has folded, leaving players unpaid and stranded in a hotel.

    The situation is dire for many of us. Not only are we facing the uncertainty of our football careers, but we also have debts looming over us. Some players took out loans or incurred expenses in anticipation of their salaries, which now remain unpaid.

    We made significant sacrifices to pursue our dreams, leaving behind jobs and other opportunities, only to find ourselves in this challenging predicament.

    Your support at this critical juncture can make a world of difference. By donating or sharing our fundraiser on social media, you're not just helping us cover immediate expenses; you're also offering a lifeline to players in need of financial stability and a way forward.

    Thank you for standing by us during this tumultuous time. Together, we can overcome these obstacles and emerge stronger than ever.

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