Jovies Journey Fundraiser

$ 11,111Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
$ 11,111Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
Campaign Ended

Jovies Journey Fundraiser

$1,675 of $11,111 GROUP GOAL

Thank you to our supporters!

  • $250.00
    72 days ago

    “Praying for you daily!!”

  • $200.00
    69 days ago

    “Praying for Jovie.”

  • $150.00
    Carly Suratt
    72 days ago
  • $100.00
    Nancy M Haddox
    49 days ago
  • $100.00
    Lauren Gilley
    69 days ago
  • $100.00
    Jessica Pohl
    70 days ago
  • $100.00
    70 days ago
  • $100.00
    Anthony Reeves
    71 days ago
  • $100.00
    Sharon Nabours
    72 days ago
  • $100.00
    Lauren Bullard
    72 days ago
  • $100.00
    72 days ago
  • $100.00
    Chloe Gilbert
    72 days ago
  • $50.00
    70 days ago
  • $50.00
    Danna Rabb
    72 days ago
  • $50.00
    Nicole Johnson
    72 days ago
  • $25.00
    Kaitlyn Hooper
    71 days ago

    “Praying continuously for you Jovie!”

please share


About This Fundraiser

Jovie is 8 years old and was diagnosed with Hodgkin Lymphoma stage 2B in February of 2024. Her oncology team is in Houston, TX and she and her family travel back and forth for treatment & appointments. 100 percent of proceeds received from fundraising company will go directly to Jovie’s family for help with medical bills. 
Please consider donating to Jovie and her family. Send this link to your family, friends, small group members, and anyone else you think would be willing to give! Remember, any amount helps and we are so grateful for each and every penny raised for Jovie in this difficult time! 

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