Silent Voices Unheard

$ 3,500Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
$ 3,500Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
Campaign Ended

Silent Voices Unheard

$0 of $3,500 GROUP GOAL


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About This Fundraiser

My vision for Silent Voices Unheard is to create a Women's Open Discussion Group focusing on addressing various forms of trauma. We aim to meet two to three times a week, providing a space where women can gather and discuss the traumas that may have silenced their voices, leading them to suffer in solitude.

Many of us carry traumatic experiences within us, burying them deep, which results in suffering in silence. Our stories remain unheard as we suppress our emotions, causing both inner and outer damage that often manifests as "Acting Out" in society.

The goal of Silent Voices Unheard is to cultivate a supportive community where women feel safe to share their stories within a group setting. By opening up, we allow others to resonate with our experiences, thereby finding the courage to raise the volume of our voices and embark on the journey of inner and outer healing. In our discussions, judgment is replaced with empathy, and we are open to exploring various healing techniques such as positive affirmations, breathing exercises, and more.

To support our mission, donations will be used to publish and print handbooks for the group. These handbooks will include self-reflective questionnaires to aid women in their healing journey, informative resources, and personal trauma narratives shared by myself and others. Through Silent Voices Unheard, we aspire to create a space where women can find solace, support, and empowerment as they navigate their healing paths together.

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