Slims Chicago Fundraiser

$ 1,000Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
$ 1,000Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
Campaign Ended

Slims Chicago Fundraiser

$0 of $1,000 GROUP GOAL


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About This Fundraiser

In these tough times for locally-owned restaurants and bars, fundraising is vital to help pay employees and keep the doors open. At Slim's we made the decision to stay open to serve our customers, because we know how much you rely on us. Although we are doing our best it has been difficult to say the least. The funds we're requesting will aid us in paying employees, vendors, and bills. We want to thank you so much for your support & continued patronage. We know we'll get through this together and there's light at the end of the tunnel. We're to fill your Slim's fix anytime you need. Thank you!!!

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