Stafford Boys Track and Field Fundraiser

$ 3,500Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
$ 3,500Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
Campaign Ended

Stafford Boys Track and Field Fundraiser

$2,825 of $3,500 GROUP GOAL

Thank you to our supporters!

  • $150.00
    515 days ago

    “Keep on keeping on !! From your mother Go Blue !!!”

  • $110.00
    Holly Turner Jones
    524 days ago
  • $100.00
    Avery V Huff
    520 days ago

    “From your Uncle Gregory Sloan”

  • $100.00
    Clyde J Guillory
    524 days ago

    “Clyde j Guillory”

  • $100.00
    Shauntel Carwell
    525 days ago

    “Go Koi! Cousin Shauntel”

  • $100.00
    Avery V Huff
    526 days ago

    “For Andrew Huff from “Big Country 94 Asphalt””

  • $100.00
    Avery V Huff
    526 days ago

    “For Andrew Huff from Bruce Johnson lll “CoCo””

  • $100.00
    Iva Huff
    526 days ago

    “From Aunt Lourene Medlow”

  • $100.00
    Stacey Shelton
    526 days ago

    “I bet I’m slower than you”

  • $100.00
    Shannon Williams
    528 days ago

    “Good Luck Koi! This is Your Year”

  • $100.00
    Freddie Sewell
    536 days ago
  • $100.00
    Avery V Huff
    536 days ago

    “Let’s raise all they need and more!”

  • $50.00
    Viana Henry
    516 days ago

    “Congratulations Andy!!!”

  • $50.00
    Horace Cooper
    516 days ago
  • $50.00
    516 days ago
  • $50.00
    Audrey Williams
    520 days ago

    “May God continue to watch over you as you compete your senior year in high school! 2023 is your year! We love you, Granny and Grandpaw”

  • $50.00
    Christopher Randel
    520 days ago
  • $50.00
    Delrick Sanker
    521 days ago

    “Keep on pushing bro”

  • $50.00
    Vieux Cisse
    521 days ago
  • $50.00
    Lolita Woods
    525 days ago

    “God bless you on your endeavor to greatness.”

  • $50.00
    Mark Lerch
    526 days ago

    “Go go it kid”

  • $50.00
    530 days ago
  • $50.00
    Weldon Moffett
    535 days ago

    “State bound!!! Go get ‘em Spartans”

  • $50.00
    Cheryl Wright
    535 days ago
  • $50.00
    Maria Mendoza
    535 days ago
  • $50.00
    Charlotte Moffett
    536 days ago
  • $50.00
    Taryn Drenon
    536 days ago
  • $50.00
    marion o johnson
    536 days ago
  • $50.00
    Darryl K Drenon
    536 days ago

    “Neff, keep up the good work. Unk”

  • $50.00
    537 days ago

    “Good luck Andrew! Go get that hardware 🥇!”

  • $50.00
    Gregory Williams
    537 days ago
  • $50.00
    Iva Huff
    537 days ago

    “Good luck with your fundraiser. Have a great track season. Love you, Mom”

  • $50.00
    537 days ago

    “You are state bound !! That's why I am donating because the Pearland and Spring school district just hit me up for $ 29,000 . Good Luck and pick up your STATE GOLD METAL in May !!”

  • $50.00
    537 days ago
  • $50.00
    Chasity N Payton
    537 days ago

    “Love you Manny. Good luck! -Chas”

  • $50.00
    Mary L Day
    537 days ago

    “Stay focus. I know you will do great things. Love you, Nanny.”

  • $50.00
    537 days ago
  • $40.00
    Peggy H Smith
    536 days ago

    “Andrew , we are very proud of all your great achievements. Keep doing you and being the respectful, handsome young man you are. We love you.”

  • $25.00
    Crystal Scott
    521 days ago
  • $25.00
    Tacqueshalyn Ashford
    528 days ago
  • $25.00
    Monique Wiltz
    532 days ago

    “Congratulations and so proud of you Andrew - Ethan Wiltz”

  • $25.00
    Deirdre Kelly
    532 days ago

    “Run fast and hard”

  • $25.00
    Tasheikia Clark
    534 days ago

    “Good luck!”

  • $25.00
    Steven G Owens
    537 days ago

    “State bound!”

  • $25.00
    Folorunso Adekoya
    537 days ago

    “Good luck and have an outstanding season!”

  • $25.00
    Nikkia Strachan
    537 days ago


  • $20.00
    Iva Huff
    526 days ago

    “For Andrew Huff From Grandfather Ira Drenon”

  • $20.00
    Shantel Phifer
    526 days ago

    “Let’s Gooooo Andrew!!!! The Phifer family is SUPER PROUD OF YOU!”

  • $20.00
    Ann Blakley
    535 days ago

    “Good luck Andy!”

  • $15.00
    Laurene LeGall-LaFonte
    536 days ago

    “Good luck. Andrew!”

please share


About This Fundraiser

Fundraising is vital for the success of our program. The funds will aid in purchasing new gear, equipment and other pertinent expenses. Each athlete has a monetary goal, please consider donating and sharing via text message, email and social media so that they may reach it.

Your donation is greatly appreciated and you will be emailed a tax-deductible receipt for your contribution.

Thank you so much for your generosity and support!

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