Tomball Senior Class Fundraiser

$ 10,000Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
$ 10,000Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
Campaign Ended

Tomball Senior Class Fundraiser

$1,695 of $10,000 GROUP GOAL

Thank you to our supporters!

  • $450.00
    1588 days ago

    “Erik, we are so proud of you and the Class of 2020... Have fun at your prom!!!”

  • $250.00
    Rod & Shirley Holland
    1602 days ago

    “So proud of you and the Class of 2020!!! Enjoy prom & be safe. Love you.”

  • $100.00
    Peggy Kinnison
    1576 days ago

    “I am proud of you Baylee”

  • $100.00
    Ryan and Nancy Hairell
    1595 days ago

    “We are so proud of you, RJ. Thank you for being such an amazing son and bringing us joy every day!”

  • $100.00
    Karyl Johnson
    1598 days ago
  • $100.00
    Sarah Brown
    1599 days ago
  • $100.00
    Linda Fieseler
    1602 days ago

    “2020 Tomball Seniors. Proud Great Aunt of Baylee Anderson. Congratulations to all.”

  • $75.00
    Bill and Kay Collins
    1598 days ago

    “Many Congrats to the Senior Class of Tomball High School! We are extremely proud of our granddaughter Kailee Tucker who is a beautiful young lady inside and out. Reach for the Stars Mimi and Papa”

  • $50.00
    Sammy Larbi
    1595 days ago
  • $50.00
    Bill Gillihan
    1596 days ago
  • $50.00
    Mary Tucker
    1598 days ago

    “Bernard and Mary Lee Tucker., Grandparents of Kailee Tucker . Proud of the class of 2020 and especially our granddaughter Kailee Tucker. Congrats!!”

  • $50.00
    Olen & Sharma Brown
    1601 days ago
  • $50.00
    Pat Reid
    1602 days ago

    “So excited for you Olen. Your time. Graduation. We will be there. Not long, about 2 months. End of this phase of long education journey. Love you much, Nana”

  • $50.00
    Stephanie Erwin
    1605 days ago

    “Have an awesome prom Brayden!❤”

  • $50.00
    Lucinda Grandalen
    1605 days ago

    “Can’t wait to see you Brayden!!”

  • $25.00
    Kelli Merchant
    1604 days ago
  • $25.00
    Malinda Ross
    1604 days ago
  • $20.00
    Natalie Born
    1602 days ago
  • please share


    About This Fundraiser

    The Tomball Senior Parent Organization is raising money to support the Tomball High School Senior Class. All proceeds from this donation drive will be used to host the Tomball High School Project Prom. Project Prom allows the seniors to celebrate after prom in a safe, drug and alcohol free environment and keeps them from making potentially bad decisions that have negative life-changing consequences. Each student has a monetary goal so please consider donating and sharing via social media. Thank you for supporting the SPO and the 2020 Tomball High School Senior Class.

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