I grew up a coach’s son and have been involved high school, college, and club sports nearly my entire life. I’ve always known that fundraising was an integral part of the process, but when I moved to Maui in 2011 and got involved with paddling canoes, I realized that fundraising is exponentially more important in Hawai’i. Everything is more expensive in the islands, and increased travel costs for flights between islands or to the mainland are a fact of life. This need, combined with the legendary generosity of local people and their families supporting local causes, has made our fundraising campaigns in Hawai’i tremendously successful. If you need to raise money for your program, reach out today and let’s talk about what Vertical Raise can do for you!
I grew up a coach’s son and have been involved high school, college, and club sports nearly my entire life. I’ve always known that fundraising was an integral part of the process, but when I moved to Maui in 2011 and got involved with paddling canoes, I realized that fundraising is exponentially more important in Hawai’i. Everything is more expensive in the islands, and increased travel costs for flights between islands or to the mainland are a fact of life. This need, combined with the legendary generosity of local people and their families supporting local causes, has made our fundraising campaigns in Hawai’i tremendously successful. If you need to raise money for your program, reach out today and let’s talk about what Vertical Raise can do for you!