
John Pike
Territory Sales Representative
I take considerable pride in the fact that I genuinely enjoy what I do. When you love your work and know that you are making a positive impact on others, it truly ceases to feel like just a job. For over three decades, I have been dedicated to helping schools, teams, and organizations achieve and surpass their fundraising goals. My experience working alongside my father for about 20 years taught me the value of hard work and dedication. This unwavering commitment to serving our customers has significantly shaped who I am today. In my personal life, I’ve raised my two children by coaching their sports teams, leading scouting efforts, volunteering as PTA President, and being a constant source of emotional support. I strive to be the best dad possible. I approach my professional relationships with the same level of care, treating all my clients like family and going above and beyond to ensure their success. I passionately believe that when you act in the best interest of the group, everyone benefits.
Real Vertical Raise Fundraisers