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5 Tips To Help Student College Applications Stand Out

5 Tips To Help Student College Applications Stand Out


College admission officers review countless applications, so becoming a standout applicant is important. Check out these tips to help college applications stand out and implement this advice.

Talk About Your Life

Admission officers want compelling stories from applicants. Of course, you don’t have to share every detail about your life, but it helps to explain how experiences have shaped you. Talk about important events or life lessons that attest to your character. Give recruiters a closer look at your personality so that they can connect with you.

Discuss Extracurricular Activities

College admission is more than good grades. Schools want well-rounded students with unique experiences and interests. While many students will discuss their time on sports teams, you can stand out with activities outside of academic work. For instance, campaigning for a political candidate or writing a culinary blog are extracurricular activities.

You can also include volunteer work that supports activities. For example, maybe you’re planning an orchestra fundraiser to help the school band. Recruiters want to see your impact outside of the classroom, so include as much as you can.

Show Field-Related Work Experience

Showing field-related work experience can help college applications stand out. For example, volunteering at a nursing home is an excellent experience for prospective nursing students. Showing interest in your field can impress admission teams! It can also boost your resume for future jobs.

Manage Your Social Media Presence

Although sharing social media profiles isn’t directly a part of the application process, colleges may review your pages. Schools want to accept the best applicants (academically and socially). So recruiters look at profiles to learn more information about you.

Take the time to assess your social media accounts and remove excessive vulgarity, offensive posts, and insensitive language. Your profiles should reflect your interests, personality, and world views. Remember to highlight positive experiences, like travel or volunteer work. A positive social media presence can support your character and make schools choose you!

Research the Prospective School

Learning facts about your desired schools can work in your favor. Research the school’s history, values, and mission statement to understand its beliefs. Then, tailor your application to showcase how you align with their values and missions. For example, discuss volunteer work if the school emphasizes philanthropy. Recruiters will view you as a great fit for the institution!