Then look no further. Vertical Raise has the best online donation platform on the market. We utilize email, text messaging and social media campaigns to exponentially increase the reach of your fundraiser. The foundation of our company's success is built upon our best-in-class email deliverability, detailed tracking and the complete personalization of every page. Please contact us above for more information or if you would like to setup a fundraiser for your Cheerleading team fundraising.
The cheerleading squad is one of the most overlooked teams by school districts. Unless you’re one of the best teams in the state, you probably don’t receive a lot of funding. In fact, there are still too many school officials out there that don’t consider cheerleading to be a sport.
While it would be great if we could open administrators’ eyes to the fact that cheerleaders need to be taken more seriously, there’s only so much we can do about that. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean you’re out of options. If the school won’t give you the money you need for uniforms, equipment, and competitions, you can raise it yourself.
There are many people out there who fully understand how important cheerleading is and recognize it as a sport, and we’re positive they’d be more than happy to help your team out. You just need a way to ask for help, and that’s what Vertical Raise is here to assist you with. Through our online crowdfunding platform, you can run your very own cheerleading fundraiser to get the support you deserve.
The best thing about our fundraisers for cheerleading squads is that you don’t have to waste your time trying to sell products to people who really aren’t that interested in them. Instead, you can email people who you know will want to support your team and ask them for donations. If the people you want to reach don’t check their email enough, you can text them or make a post for them to see on social media.
No matter how you go about it, our cheerleading fundraiser idea has really caught on in recent years and found lots of success. The best part about it is the fact that all that money comes back to your team. You won’t have to worry about paying for any products you sell because our program only focuses on direct donations.
If you think it’s time to try out a high school or youth cheer fundraiser like this one, we have a sign-up form on our site that you can fill out. If you’d still like to ask more questions about the specifics of our cheerleading fundraisers, that’s not a problem. We have a contact page you can use to reach out to us.