Then look no further. Vertical Raise has the best online donation platform on the market. We utilize email, text messaging and social media campaigns to exponentially increase the reach of your fundraiser. The foundation of our company's success is built upon our best-in-class email deliverability, detailed tracking and the complete personalization of every page. Please contact us above for more information or if you would like to setup a fundraiser for your Choir Group.
Depending on the school, choir is a program that either has a lot of members or barely enough to fully function. Either way, it often gets overshadowed by the band and theater departments, especially when it comes to performances. This is usually a big moneymaker for these types of programs, and because of the lack of attention choir gets, they tend to be underfunded when compared to other programs.
This can be quite the problem because, even though this program doesn’t require as much equipment as bands or theater productions, it still needs funds to operate. That’s why many turn toward choir fundraisers to fill in where typical fundraising methods fail.
However, depending on the size of your program, some fundraisers might be harder than others to run effectively. That’s why many who are trying to come up with fundraising ideas for choir trips have turned to crowdfunding as a solution.
By doing online crowdfunding for your program, you’re expanding your reach much further than you ever could through traditional methods. Your members can easily reach out to people they know with texts and emails and ask for support for their school choir. Those people can then send those messages to people they know, expanding your web of donors. Plus, you can make posts on social media to gain traction from even broader audiences.
The best part of all is that this choir fundraising idea will take up very little of your members’ time. All they have to do is send out a few messages and occasionally promote it, and they’re done. This is great for students who are usually busy with homework and other activities after school.
If you want to give this choir fundraiser a go, we’re here to help. Vertical Raise specializes in school-based crowdfunding efforts, so we’ll be able to help your program earn the funding it rightfully deserves. Take the time today to look into what we can offer you.