Then look no further. Vertical Raise has the best online donation platform on the market. We utilize email, text messaging and social media campaigns to exponentially increase the reach of your fundraiser. The foundation of our company's success is built upon our best-in-class email deliverability, detailed tracking and the complete personalization of every page. Please contact us above for more information or if you would like to setup a fundraiser for your DECA Team.
DECA is an after-school program that’s well-known for introducing hundreds of thousands of students to the world of business. Since many high schools don’t offer a wealth of business classes to their students, this program is a great way for teens to figure out if a career in the business field is the right step for them before heading off to college.
However, this not-for-profit organization can’t always provide enough funding to larger programs to support all the students that join DECA. Fortunately, teachers have found many fundraising ideas for DECA that have worked wonders for them in the past. One such fundraising method that has done surprisingly well for these groups is online crowdfunding.
Through this method, DECA members can reach out to family and friends through emails, text messages, and social media posts to ask them if they’re interested in donating to help support their after-school program. Since many adults like to support programs that foster an interest in business for young students, they’ll likely be more than happy to donate to your cause.
Another plus to using crowdfunding for a DECA fundraiser is that sending out these messages takes very little time for your members to do. That means students will spend less time working on this fundraiser after school and more time focusing on their studies.
No matter how you look at it, online crowdfunding is an excellent method to earn money for your program. While other DECA group fundraising methods can be very difficult to set up for the teachers, this one isn’t. In the same way that it saves your students time, teachers won’t have to waste time with a lengthy setup process, leaving them to focus more on other important DECA matters.
For those interested in pursuing this DECA fundraiser, Vertical Raise is here to help. We work with many after-school programs to help them raise the money they need to offer their members the best experience possible—and now, you can do the same for yours. See what our online crowdfunding platform can do for you.