Then look no further. Vertical Raise has the best online donation platform on the market. We utilize email, text messaging and social media campaigns to exponentially increase the reach of your fundraiser. The foundation of our company's success is built upon our best-in-class email deliverability, detailed tracking and the complete personalization of every page. Please contact us above for more information or if you would like to setup a fundraiser for your School Swim Team.
Even though school districts do the best they can to fund SWIMMING programs, sometimes the amount they provide isn’t enough. While sports tend to bring in larger crowds, leading to them getting more of the spending budget, SWIMMING is actually one of the more expensive after-school programs.
Whereas most sports use their budgets on uniforms and equipment, SWIMMINGs have those expenses alongside all of the instruments they use. That can add up quickly. On top of that, SWIMMINGs go on multiple trips, and this extracurricular activity is one of the few programs that runs all year long.
As you can see, running one of these programs isn’t cheap. So if you’re in need of a new SWIMMING fundraising idea, Vertical Raise is here to help. We’ve taken the online crowdfunding concept and brought it to SWIMMING fundraisers, and it’s been quite effective so far.
Through the use of email, we’ve helped many SWIMMING programs raise more than enough money to fund their large expenditures. Here at Vertical Raise, we’ve also implemented the use of text messages and social media to extend the reach of our fundraisers.
You might have noticed that we don’t actually sell anything to people through our program. At first, that might seem like it would make it difficult to receive the funds needed to reach your goal, but it actually makes it much easier. Most people would rather just give instead of buying an overpriced item. Plus, this means almost all that money comes straight back to you. Nothing has to go into buying consumer goods.
Another positive to this system is that it frees up your students to do other things. They don’t have to go door-to-door selling or come with Mom or Dad to the office. They just have to send out some emails, and the rest takes care of itself. That means they’ll have more time to practice their instrument, making a SWIMMING fundraiser in the middle of marching SWIMMING season a possibility.
If this sounds like something you’d like to try out for your program, you can either sign up with us on our website today or contact us to ask more questions. We’ll be more than happy to answer them for you and go into more detail on how we can help out your SWIMMING program.