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4 Team Fundraising Ideas That Involve Coaches

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Published March 13, 2024

Financial support is the lifeblood of youth sports. It’s what keeps teams equipped, players energized, and coaches motivated. Yet, the act of fundraising shouldn’t feel like a drain or a duty—it’s an opportunity to unite the team, ignite community involvement, and have fun. Continue reading to learn about some enjoyable team fundraising ideas that involve coaches.

Dip, Donate, and Dunk

There’s something timeless and irresistibly fun about dunk tanks. Fortunately, the setup is simple—a tank of water, a target to hit, and one brave (or perhaps nervous) coach sitting atop, ready to take the plunge. A dunk tank fundraiser is a classic for a reason.

Set up a tank at the local park, charge a few dollars for three throws, and watch the lines form. Imagine the satisfaction of “sinking” the coach with a successful throw. Remember, it’s all in good fun, and the money raised will allow you to improve your team’s equipment, participate in a special tournament, renovate your facilities, etc.

Test Your Wits Against the Whistle

Every athletic team has a guru who knows all kinds of arcane facts about sports. Tap into this wisdom for an evening of trivia, with coach vs. the team. There’s nothing like a lively battle of brains to draw a crowd. Tickets sold for this event can cover not just participation but also a chance to sit on one of the two opposing benches.

Prepare a variety of sports-themed questions, ranging from history to present-day stats, to create a lively and competitive atmosphere that supporters of all ages can enjoy. You can also sell refreshments and team paraphernalia to raise even more money during this high-energy fundraiser.

Bid for Guidance

What’s the going rate for a motivational speech from your coach, or a personalized training session? Find out with a coach auction.

In this event, players and their families get the chance to bid on various coaching services that aren’t typically offered. It’s a personal and unique opportunity for student athletes and supporters to engage with their coach on a different level, and the high bids can skyrocket your fundraising goals.

The Ultimate Showdown

Sports teams thrive on games and challenges. Why not extend this rivalry to game events that pit the coaches against the team? Friendly games of basketball, soccer, or even just a fun run can attract a large crowd of supporters with a winning aim—to raise funds. All players and coaches become part of the team effort, working toward a common goal.

Combine your event with concession stands, collaborative raffles, or merchandise sales, and each of these games becomes a significant money-making opportunity. The best part? Everyone is involved, energized, and reminded of the greater goals both on and off the field.

The secret to successful team fundraising ideas that involve coaches isn’t just about the money; it’s about the moments created and the shared experience of achieving something bigger together. Your coaches are cheerleaders every other day of the sports season—so why not put them in the spotlight for a good cause?

At Vertical Raise, we can help you raise more money in less time with our customizable online donation platform. We help a variety of sports teams reach their financial goals, including organizing baseball fundraisers and other athletic events. Contact us today to learn how to get started.


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