2024 Summer Baseball Fundraiser

$ 5,000Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
$ 5,000Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
Campaign Ended

2024 Summer Baseball Fundraiser

$170 of $5,000 GROUP GOAL

Thank you to our supporters!

  • $100.00
    Keenan R Bigg
    196 days ago
  • $50.00
    199 days ago

    “Go get’em Omri! We are so proud of you.”

  • $20.00
    Ivonne Calva
    192 days ago
  • please share


    About This Fundraiser

    Omri's passion for baseball has continued to grow as he continues to dedicate countless hours to honing his skills on and off the field. With unwavering determination, he’s faced each practice and game with enthusiasm and a strong work ethic. As the summer approaches, Omri eagerly anticipates the opportunity to showcase his talent at the prestigious Perfect Game Series Classic and the USSSA All American Games in Florida.

    Being chosen to represent our community has filled Omri with pride and excitement. He gladly accepts the challenge of playing alongside talented athletes from neighboring states like Oklahoma and Louisiana; this has inspired him because he understands the level of competition increases each year.  The experience of competing on a national stage helps him further his development as a player, but also creates lasting memories and friendships.

    To support Omri in this incredible journey, we are rallying together as a community to raise the necessary funds to ensure he can participate in these tournaments without financial burden. From covering player fees and travel expenses to investing in additional training opportunities, every contribution will make a difference in helping Omri pursue his dreams and make our community proud. Together, we can help him shine bright on the diamond and represent us with skill, integrity, and sportsmanship.

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