Tarrant High School Varsity Cheer Fundraiser

$ 2,000Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
$ 2,000Fundraiser Goal
$0Total Raised
Campaign Ended

Tarrant High School Varsity Cheer Fundraiser

$0 of $2,000 GROUP GOAL


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    About This Fundraiser

    Fundraising is vital for the success of our program. Due to COVID-19, we have been faced with financial setbacks and challenges with our traditional fundraising approach. Yet, we still need to prepare for the upcoming school-year and cheer season to keep the school spirit and morale high even when there may be overwhelming emotions in our school community due to so much uncertainty with the pandemic. Please know that if you are willing and able to donate to our Vertical Raise Fundraiser, the funds will aid us in purchasing new uniforms, equipment, game day supplies & transportation, and other pertinent expenses - including but not limited to virtual and COVID-19 friendly cheer development training. Each participant has a monetary goal! Please consider donating or sharing via social media so that they may reach it. Thank you so much for your support and for sowing into Tarrant High School's Wildcats Varsity Cheer Squad.

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