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What To Ask Before Planning Your Next School Fundraiser

What To Ask Before Planning Your Next School Fundraiser


Financial contributions help schools obtain resources like school supplies and technology. They also support sports teams and extracurricular activities. Needless to say, fundraisers are a big deal. Avoid pitfalls by addressing specific questions before planning your next school fundraiser.

What Fundraisers Worked in the Past?

The best way to maximize engagement, revenue, and retention is to select the right fundraiser for the school community. Take note of fundraisers from the past and review their success rates. No school wants to waste its time on ineffective campaigns. Move in the right direction by choosing the best fundraisers. At the same time, don’t be afraid to try something new. Collaborate with your team to determine a campaign strategy.

What Kind of Payments Can You Accept?

Traditional fundraisers relied on cash or checks, but many people prefer credit or debit cards for donations. Adjust to people’s preferences and determine the types of payments you can accept. You can use traditional and digital methods for the campaign. For example, online donation platforms allow people to donate through a website link. You can also have student volunteers collect cash donations.

What Is the Key Message?

Before planning your next school fundraiser, think about the key message. You need clear, concise words that describe the campaign. This way, donors and volunteers understand the fundraiser’s goal.

Here’s an example: “Roosevelt High School is raising money for new laptops in the computer lab. Your donation makes a positive impact on student engagement in school.” When students reach out to donors, they can discuss specific ways laptops will help learning. When donors understand causes, they’re more willing to support campaigns.

How Can You Retain Student Involvement?

Student engagement impacts school fundraisers. Consider low-cost incentives to encourage involvement. For example, participating students could enjoy a “dress-down day” if they normally wear uniforms. Schools can host a free period and allow students to engage with their peers or do fun activities.

How Will You Advertise the Fundraiser?

Base your marketing channels on your intended target audience. However, the most popular methods are social media posts, printed ads, direct mail, and school announcements. Successful campaigns diversify their donor profile, so reaching out to multiple target audiences can help! Use a combination of marketing channels to raise awareness of the campaign.

From sports team fundraising to donations that impact the entire school, achieve the best results with the right donation platform. Elevate your programs with Vertical Raise. Our online fundraising system is easy to use with a fantastic success rate!