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Why Fundraisers Are Important for School Football Teams

Why Fundraisers Are Important for School Football Teams


Football is important to many student athletes. Unfortunately, a lack of funds forces schools to cut programs. Understand why fundraisers are important for school football teams and see how they help athletes.

Preserves the Sports Team

It’s no secret that football is a popular sport, and some argue that schools overfund the program. However, this isn’t always the case. Gear, equipment, travel fees, and uniforms aren’t cheap.

Without continuous funding, it’s impossible to maintain teams. That said, the point of football fundraisers is to preserve the sports team. Don’t let a lack of funding make student athletes miss their beloved game.

Meets the Athletes’ Needs

Fundraisers are important for school football teams because they meet the athletes’ needs. Uniforms, equipment, bus rentals, and team fees add up. The financial burden can’t fall on schools, parents, and coaches because it exhausts their budgets. Luckily, fundraisers offset the cost of various things.

Increases Player Responsibility

Fundraising boosts player responsibility. Of course, being part of a sports team requires performance responsibility (i.e., running fast and catching balls). However, fundraising promotes accountability among players. If athletes don’t reach goals, the team suffers. When players raise money for their team, they understand how important their contributions are to the program.

Encourages Creativity

Every football team gets a chance to fundraise for their group. To raise the most money, athletes need creative ways to encourage donations. This factor stimulates the mind as teams work together to reach donation goals. Fundraising is more than a dry social activity, as it requires passion, innovation, and commitment.

Increases Player Exposure

Football is a major sport, and talented players advance to Division 1 universities or the National Football League (NFL). Teams begin to scout players at young ages, around 13 years old. That said, middle school and high school are important years for exposure.

Without funding, schools can’t afford football teams. Then, football scouts move onto different teams and pass up talented players. Fortunately, continuous funds keep teams alive and increase player exposure. Lucky athletes can advance their careers thanks to fundraising.

Fundraise with Vertical Raise. As the best online donation platform, we use email, text messaging, and social media to increase the reach of your campaign. Let us help you reach your fundraising goals.