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Fun Summer Activities To Host as a Fundraiser

Fun Summer Activities To Host as a Fundraiser


Summer is finally here! Sunny days, clear skies, and favorable weather bring everyone outside. Take advantage of the season by raising money for your cause. Look at these fun summer activities to host as a fundraiser for great ideas.

Water Balloon Fight

Water balloon fights are easy to organize, inexpensive, and super fun! You can either charge a participation fee or one dollar per balloon. People will likely purchase multiple balloons to stay in the competition. This activity is fantastic for hot days because water activities are summertime favorites.

Movie Under the Stars

Put a twist on movie night with an outdoor screening of popular films. This idea is great for people of all ages, as everyone can enjoy cinematic masterpieces. Host the screening in a public park or large venue and sell tickets to attendees. You can also sell popcorn, candy, and other movie theater treats to enhance the guest experience. Consider showing summer blockbusters like Avatar, National Lampoon’s Vacation, and How to Train Your Dragon. However, you can ask for audience suggestions. Either way, this fundraiser is a summertime hit!

Outdoor Fitness Class

Encourage outdoor time and exercise with an outdoor fitness class. Recruit instructors and host classes at your local park or beach. Attendees can pay a registration fee in advance to secure their spot. Depending on the scale of your event, you can host one or multiple classes. You can also do an all-day event with various activities like morning yoga, afternoon aerobics, and evening Pilates. Regardless of your preference, you’ll draw a crowd of fitness lovers.

Summer Concert

Live music is an integral part of summer because people go to music festivals throughout the season. Therefore, a concert is a fun summer activity to host as a fundraiser! Build a lineup of local musicians and sell tickets to the event. You can also offer cool swag like T-shirts signed by all the bands or tote bags with the concert’s name printed on them. Concerts attract crowds, and you’ll raise money in no time. Remember to record the festivities to keep memories of the event.

Ice Cream Social

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. Turn a summertime favorite treat into an awesome fundraiser event. To host an ice cream social, you only need a location, time, and tons of frozen treats. Have participants pay an entrance fee and direct them to an ice cream station. Offer various ice cream flavors and toppings like salted caramel, sprinkles, and chocolate syrup. Guests will enjoy the yummy treat, and you’ll raise money for your cause.

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